Politics, Religion, Military and whatever else I think of

These are my thoughts about the world. I am a staff sergeant in the Army, so of course I have an opinion. Hope you enjoy, or at the very least, think.

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Location: Moffett Field, CA, United States

I am married with 9-year-old and 5-year old girls and a 2-year old boy. All are very cute.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Hillary Clinton

Say it isn't so! Hillary please don't drop out! Just hang on for a few more months.

Shoot, wouldn't it be great if Hillary ran on a "third party" ticket? Then we could have Clinton, Obama, Nader, McCain and Barr all running. Now if we could just get Mitt Romney to run on a third party.

It would be nice to have the choice of who you think the best president would be and know that your candidate actually had a chance if they weren't Democrat or Republican. We know Nader is running on Green; Oboma as Democratic; McCain as Republican; and Barr as Libertarian.

Now, what if we had Hillary run on the, what "Feminist" ticket and Romney on a "Fiscal reponsibility" ticket.

I know a lot of people say that if we had other parties nothing would get done. But look at how Washington is going now. You hear the media rail that President Bush has an approval rating "only in the 30's" but have you checked out the rating for Congress? How about in the high TEENS! Right, we should really keep things going as a status quo.

But for now, maybe Hillary and Bill can keep up the fight and give the left a chance to really mess their best chance to ruin America.

Well, then again, that would be good for the country. So, fight on Billary!


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