Flip flopping isn't good?
I am a Romney supporter. I was a Romney supporter last election cycle and again this cycle. Why? I had different reasons in 2008 but this time its pretty clear: the guy is a turn around specialist.
His career is based on going into broken companies and fixing them. He did it with the Salt Lake Olympics, he did it with company after company. He even went in as a Republican and worked in a very blue state to fix the big dig, health care in Massachusetts, etc.
But he's a flip flopper, right?
There I said it.
But what's wrong with being a flip flopper if you are flipping from the wrong position to the right one?
Conservatives have been debating with liberals for as long as those terms existed. So those on the right want to let those on the left know how wrong they were (and vice versa.)
Winston Churchill said "If you're not a liberal at twenty you have no heart, if you're not a conservative at forty you have no brain." So the entire point is that as you get older, you should get smarter and move to the right.
Isn't that what Mitt has done? He had some positions that were in line with the abortion movement (I don't call it pro-choice, maybe that will be my next post). He hasn't always been a strong proponent of the second amendment. He hasn't always been a traditional conservative.
But you know who else wasn't? Ronald Reagan. Yep, he was a Democrat. Go look it up. I'll wait. See? He was.
Now, Romney has moved to the right on many social issues. He is against "abortion on demand." He is for marriage to be defined as between a man and a woman. (And you can still be pro-gay rights without letting them get married.)
Essentially, Romney has evolved into what most people would call a Conservative. Is he as conservative as Rick Perry? Well, last time I checked Perry isn't exactly on the side of the right when it comes to immigration. Is he as conservative as Ron Paul? Well, I don't see anyone on the right claiming Paul is a defense-hawk, traditionally the position of republicans and certainly the position of Reagan.
Romney has also been accused of going into companies, cleaning house, and then selling for a profit. For me, this is the perfect scenario for the next President. I want someone who will go in and kick out all of the bloated fat that is in Washington. I want unemployment in DC to explode. But I also want someone who will cut the business-strangling regulations so that everyone who loses their government job will be able to find one in the private sector.
Romney is that person.
So Romney has evolved in the past twenty years. Sure, it would have been great if he started off being a conservative when he was 16 and never wavering in any of his stances. But how many people can actually say that? Certainly not most.
So here we are. We can vote for a guy that has flip flopped on issues over twenty years, moving from the left to the right, or we can vote for another republican that doesn't have the track record of turning things around and making them work.
Personally, I think Romney is the only person who makes sense. Someone who has learned from his mistakes and moved on to become more conservative. He also has a record of fixing broken organizations. And if you don't think America's government is currently broken, I guess you will be voting for the incumbent...
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