Politics, Religion, Military and whatever else I think of

These are my thoughts about the world. I am a staff sergeant in the Army, so of course I have an opinion. Hope you enjoy, or at the very least, think.

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Location: Moffett Field, CA, United States

I am married with 9-year-old and 5-year old girls and a 2-year old boy. All are very cute.

Monday, October 17, 2011

99%? Really?

As I was driving from a volleyball game home last week I saw a small group of the so-called "Occupy (insert city here." I think it is very interesting to see that their signs claim to represent that 99% of people who aren't super-rich.
I know I haven't been consulted on if they represent me. In fact, I am not super rich. But I am in the military. And since only .5% of the population ever serve in the military, it could be that I am not in fact in the 99%. So, there is that.
I was also listening to Opie and Anthony on XM radio when they had a Occupy "leader" in. He isn't really a leader, because they are too smart to have leaders, or so they say. It was interesting to hear this 24-year-old say that he had never held a full-time job. He had backpacked around Egypt on the dime of his parents, and on and on. When you have never worked a day in your life, isn't it easy to complain that you aren't getting out of life what others are? He also asked what the difference between Occupy and the TEA Party was? Why should "they" be considered positive to society? Just because they work? YES! Just because they work, pay taxes, buy products, etc. They are good for society. Wanting lower government power isn't the same as not wanting corporations. And good luck finding anything the Occupy crowd is wearing or using that isn't from corporations. Shirts, shoes, iPhones, the Internet? All made possible by "evil corporations."
But the thing that made me most ticked off was a sound bite by some kid who complained he graduated college with $80K in student debt, can't find a job and has to live wherever he can. Oh, boo hoo! Nobody forced you to take out student loans. You could have stayed at home can gone to community college for way less. Or you could have gotten a job while you were working. But ultimately, no one made you take out loans or get a degree in something that you can't find a job.

Here is a hint to people who can't find a job---look for any job you can. If it is $8 an hour, so be it. Work hard, and try to find a better job while you are working. Or, try to impress your boss so they want to pay you more. Or, even better, go down to your local military recruiters office. The military will make sure you have somewhere to live, give you meals, clothing, etc. But, just remember, you will actually have to work. I know, a deal breaker for most of the Occupy crowd, but better to offer the idea than not...


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