President Elect Obama
First, let me say that I have a Constitutional duty to obey the orders of the President of the United States. When President Elect Obama becomes the President I will do so.
But lets look at how we got here. This is not a vent on Obama or McCain, but it is my thoughts on the real reason "history" was made.
For the first time in history the media ignored their own ethics and actively promoted one candidate over another. I have long had a problem with newspapers "endorsing" candidates, but the argument is the editorial staff is endorsing, not the paper as a whole. That seems to have gone out the window with most newspapers and several national television broadcast companies (NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN to name a few.)
So lets look at the influence, actions and lack of actions that enabled Sen. Obama to win:
The main stream media (MSM) fell asleep at the wheel and missed that Sen. John Edwards was having an affair for 2 years (or so) while running his campaign. It is easy to argue that Sen. Clinton and Sen. Edwards were going after the same group of voter and that if Sen. Edwards had been forced to withdraw, Hillary would have been the Dems representative.
During the Iowa caucus the story was the "negative" ads by Gov. Mitt Romney and the win by Gov. Huckabee. OK, so informing the public about the differences between your stance and that of another is "attacking." Lets keep that in mind for later.
Prior to New Hampshire Sen. John McCain was nearly out of money. Gov. Romney had a huge lead, then stories began popping up about "negative ads" by Gov. Romney as well as fluff pieces about McCain. Oh, and don't forget that this was an open primary (not the media's fault, but it was strongly emphasized.) This could have lead to many independents voting for McCain instead of Hillary because that race was a "done deal."
Gov. Romney then won Michigan but the media was underwhelmed because, after all, this was his home state. So Huckabee, Romney and McCain were tied with one win each.
To borrow from Lee Corso, not so fast my friends! Romney actually won the Wyoming caucus as well, but apparently, Wyoming isn't a state. (Though to be fair, my friend Scott Howlett actually believes Wyoming is a literal figment of Colorado's imagination.)
Then the same day McCain pulled out his miraculous win in South Carolina by, what 2 points, Gov Romney won Nevada with the first majority (51%) of the primaries for anyone. He even won more electorates, but the story was all McCain.
Lets not forget that this whole time Clinton and Edwards are fighting for the white vote while Sen Obama is collecting all the black votes. Not exactly covered by the media in a questioning fashion. But instead, 35% of Michigan votes "no one" instead of Clinton (who gets over 60%) and that is the big news. Again, Clinton should have been HAMMERED for even running in Michigan and Florida but really wasn't. Also, Obama should have been HAMMERED for NOT running if Hillary was, but instead he was shown as "courageous" for keeping his word (again, we will come back to that.)
Here comes Florida for the Republicans.... The surprise win is? McCain. More surprising is Huckabee in 3rd and Guiliani in 4th... But the media doesn't even mention Romney was 2nd, still had the most popular votes and was neck and neck with McCain on delegates.
Lets also note that three days before McCain made the brutally false claim that Romney wanted an Iraq timeline for withdrawl. Even the New York Times (!) said this was a false claim but McCain was given a total pass. Hmmm...
At this point, Huckabee has done nothing since Iowa, picking up a handful of delegates. Fred Thompson is out, Guiliani is out. But Huckabee stays in. Why? Everyone acknowledges he is done but him.
McCain is gunning for the right/center voters and Romney is fighting Huckabee for the more right leaning/religious voters. But there are seemingly no stories about WHY Huckabee won't drop out.
Finally McCain wins the Republican nomination.
Sen Obama and Clinton continue to fight for another couple of months. Bill Clinton claims the race card is played and gets slammed for it. John Edwards is finally found out (by the NATIONAL INQUIRER!!!!)
Sen Obama eventually wins the Democratic nomination despite no one knowing what he stands for other than "hope" and "change." Even Slick Willie calls his campaign and the way Obama has been treated with kid gloves as "the biggest fairytale ever."
Now we have McCain pounding negative adds on Obama (remember, he went after Romney for allegedly doing the same to him.) Obama still wasn't asked about his experience, his qualifications or his questionable relationships with the likes of Bill Ayers and Rev. Wright.
McCain hammers Obama (rightfully so) on withdrawing from a promise to use only public funds and thereby turning the race into a cash game that eventually spends, get this, ONE BILLION DOLLARS on the campaign.
The media chose Sen. McCain to run against Sen. Obama. They took shots at Gov. Romney, ignored investigative journalism on Sen. Edwards, never questioned Gov. Huckabee's motives, and even turned on the beloved Hillary.
If the journalists of America had done their jobs we would have had a Clinton v. Romney race. Instead, we had The One against the Old One.
And just a silly thought to finish. Does this all mean Neo is the Obama. (Matrix fans will get that one.)
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