Politics, Religion, Military and whatever else I think of

These are my thoughts about the world. I am a staff sergeant in the Army, so of course I have an opinion. Hope you enjoy, or at the very least, think.

My Photo
Location: Moffett Field, CA, United States

I am married with 9-year-old and 5-year old girls and a 2-year old boy. All are very cute.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Pakistan's nose is actually clean

OK, can you believe that the Pakistani's are actually not involved in US politics? I have never been so proud of either accidental or purposeful expression of "no opinion."
According to Gallup (http://www.gallup.com/poll/111235/Obama-Favored-Key-Muslim-Countries.aspx)
5% of Pakistani's would vote Obama, 5% McCain and 90% have "no opinion." Saudi Arabia clocked in at 50, 19, 31% respectively.
What is the bet that if you asked an American who they preferred in the next Pakistani election you would have 0% to everyone that ran and 100% answering "Pakistan has elections?"
Who says America isn't number one! We rule at not caring about other countries politics! And this is not tongue in cheek: We as citizens shouldn't be involved in other countries voting preferences.
This isn't to say we shouldn't care if Hamas wins in Gaza (or is it the West Bank, or Lebanon? Joe Biden confused me.)
We should care about what happens in Canada, England, France, Germany, etc, AFTER their elections, not before or during, because it is their country.
And yes, I see the huge irony that we went into Iraq, and I support the war, but it only means I think that every situation is different.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Early Voting

On yahoo.com there is a story about how early voting in in the South is stongly black. 31% of early voters are black in North Carolina despite only 21% of the population being black.

Now, go ahead and get your "racist" card out. Could it possibly be there there is a higher percentage of whites who are working and therefore not voting early? (Racist!)

I voted today in Texas and everyone I have spoken to is voting McCain (racists, all of us.) Isn't Texas in the South?

But my biggest problem is how if you are white and vote for McCain you are racist. But if you are black and voting for Obama, you are just being "part of history."


How about this. Go read what Orson Scott Card wrote about the media coverage. He is a Democrat: http://www.ldsmag.com/ideas/081017light.html

The CNN ticker on CNN.com has a front page ticker about a former Bush aid supporting Obama (note: it is Scott McClellan who wrote a book about his time in the White House but apparently didn't have the testicular fortitude to actually quit when he disagreed with policy.)

What you won't find at the top is the story about a McCain supporter being branded by an Obama supporters knife. (OK, it is about 1/4 of the way down if you scroll.) But which really is a bigger news story? A disgruntled former staffer supporting Obama or a woman having the letter B cut into her face SIMPLY FOR SUPPORTING MCCAIN? What kind of outrage would it be (or should I say, hate crime would be prosecuted) if a white male cut an M into a black Obama supporter? (Now, I am leaping to a conclusion on race. It just as easily could have been white on white, black on white, or white on black. I don't know. But it was Pro-Obama supporter on a Pro-McCain supporter....)

If the Main Stream Media isn't being blatantly racist (or prejudiced if you prefer) by ignoring anything that would be negative simply because Obama is the Dems choice and putting the magnifying glass on McCain, then all my schooling is wrong about what racism is.

(Oh, and a T-shirt that says Sarah Palin is a C*nt is sexist, even if a woman wears it!)

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Little Green Footballs

For the first time in probably 10+ years I went into a chat room tonight. I have been a registered user to www.littlegreenfootballs.com for about 2 months and stumbled into the Lizards Lounge.
I had so much fun!
It is good to know there are people who are just as frustrated with the way America is heading as I am.
We are conservatives. We are gun owners. We are smart. We are educated. And we care.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Stock Shmarket

So the stock market lost a huge percentage in the past month but no one is really talking too much about the benefit of this. Yes, a majority of people have money in the stock market and things like retirement accounts will be hurt (at least for those who are retired or close.)
But what about those of us who aren't making much and don't really need to worry about the market, or those who aren't close to retirement? People can still put into their 401K and will actually get more shares for their money and eventually the market will go back up.
But lets look at the average person.
The average person still needs to worry about things like gas and food. So lets look at gas (and indirectly food because when gas prices fall, so will food prices from transportation, manufacturing, packaging, etc.) and see the benefit of the market drop.
A few months ago oil hit an inflated price of $140 per barrel. Last week it closed just below $80. As the "economy" goes south, so do the oil prices. If things go well then the oil prices go up.
So lets look what is happening in this market.
If the average person drives 15000 miles it is going to cost them $3,000 if they get 20 mpg per year at $4.00 per gallon. If you only get 15 mpg, you spend $4,000.
This week oil just dropped below $3.00. That makes the annual cost at 20mpg $2250 and at 15mpg $3000.
So the average car driver will save $750 from gas. An SUV driver will save $1000.
But what if oil keeps dropping to the $30 per barrel it was several years ago. Lets assume the price can get back down to $2.00 (not that I think it will, but dream a little dream.) If that happens the 20mpg will pay $1500 for the year ($1500 savings over $4 per gallon) and the 15mpg will pay $2,000 ($2000 savings.)
So instead of the government dumping $700 BILLION on the poor loans that banks made, how about they invest, say $200 billion on drilling in Alaska, off Florida, California and wherever else we can find it. That still leaves $500 billion for the people who shouldn't have had a house to begin with to stay in their homes and reduced oil cost for the next 20-40 years for the rest of us while we build new nuclear power plants, advance wind and solar, and either perfect biofuel to make it cost effective or give up on it.
Either way, the economy (in terms of the market) doing bad is actually very good for the average American.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Does McCain WANT to win?

I am all for honor in politics, in fact, I think it would be great if instead of negative adds all we saw were the visions of the future by each candidate. Instead, we get attacks, lies, out of context clips, etc.
But when the candidate doesn't even want to seem like he might think the other guys is a bad choice, shouldn't he say so?
At a rally (you can find on youtube) a couple of McCain supporters say they are scared of an Obama presidency. One even states that Obama is a, horror, Arab. Now, McCain takes the high road and says, no, no, no, Senator Obama is not an Arab and is an honorable man.
Ok, fine, but is there something wrong with being scared of an Obama presidency? It is getting ridiculous that you can't even say you are scared of the other guy winning the presidency without someone bringing up racial undertones (thanks DailyKos!)
So I am SCARED of an Obama presidency. No of him, but of what he wants to do to America.
Obama wants more than a trillion (TRILLION) dollars worth of entitlements.
He wants to raise taxes on anyone (including small businesses) that make more than $250,000 while we are looking down the barrel of a recession.
He wants to add taxes to corporations that employ millions of Americans
He wants to take guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens
He wants to talk to the leaders of IRAN and Cuba with no preconditions
He wants to keep America from drilling in our own lands-- oh, but lets get this right, he wants oil companies to drill in the 640 million acres or so that DON'T have oil but doesn't want to open up where the oil companies know there is oil
He wants to push alternative fuel, such as the fiscally unviable ethanol
He wants to get his economic advise from the men who brought you the Freddy and Fannie FAILURES
He wants judges on the court that will MAKE law instead of INTERPRET laws
He wants to keep abortion legal, including partial birth abortions

And finally, the reason I am scared of an Obama presidency? The leaders of Cuba, Iran, North Korea, France, Germany, Hamas, the Taliban and Al Queda have all ENDORSED OBAMA!

If the endorsement of these world leaders isn't enough to hold your nose and vote for McCain, I don't know what is.